Eau Claire United is able to offer its various programs because of the financial support of many generous community members and business sponsors. As a non-profit, 501C, these generosities are key to the operating budget of our club.
Club Support Sponsorship
$10,000 - Presenting Level
Hotel Reservation Ad, Monthly Club Newsletter (Logo), Club Website, Tournament Website, Social Media Mentions, Logo of 2,500 Field Maps, Name of 2,500 Field Maps, Coupon in 2,500 Welcome Bags, Banner Display at Soccer Park, Company Logo on Front of Practice Shirt
$5,000 - Platinum Level
Monthly Club Newsletter (Logo), Club Website, Tournament Website, Social Media Mentions, Logo of 2,500 Field Maps, Name of 2,500 Field Maps, Coupon in 2,500 Welcome Bags, Banner Display at Soccer Park, Company Logo Banner on Back of Practice Shirt
$2,500 - Gold Level
Club Website, Tournament Website, Social Media Mentions, Logo of 2,500 Field Maps, Name of 2,500 Field Maps, Coupon in 2,500 Welcome Bags, Banner Display at Soccer Park, Company Name & Logo on Back of Practice Shirt
$1,000 - Silver Level
Social Media Mentions, Name of 2,500 Field Maps, Coupon in 2,500 Welcome Bags, Banner Display at Soccer Park, Company Name on Back of Practice Shirt
$500 - Bronze Level
Social Media Mentions, Name of 2,500 Field Maps, Coupon in 2,500 Welcome Bags
Team Jersey Shirt Sponsor (Two-Year Cycle)
$20,000 - Custom Third Kit Design & Color with Company Logo on Chest for All State League Teams
$15,000 - Company Name &/or Logo on Chest of Jersey Tops for All Club Teams
$5,000 - Company Logo on Back of Jersey Tops for All Club Teams
$2,500 - Company Logo on Sleeve of Jersey Tops for All Club Teams
150+ athletes playing in Western Wisconsin, Appleton/Green Bay Area, Madison Area, Milwaukee Area & across the Twin Cities including our home tournament which features over 2,500 athletes & their families.
As a 501C non-profit organization we look for financial support in a variety of forms to continue to keep fees down while still being financially solvent. As a donor, your contribution will help cultivate the growth of our young athletes, will make an impact on our organization meeting its mission, and will also provide tax benefits for yourself. If you can donate, please click on the link below.
Other Opportunities
If you are not able to sponsor but have other special talents, services, or products to share with our organization, please contact us to explore these options.
Sponsorship Form